Werner on the Summit of Mt. Everest

8:08 am, May 22, 2007 (age 69y 10m)

Although effective leadership is one of the most important aspects in the well-being of individuals, families and nations, it is also one of the scarcest
Whether we acknowledge it or not, we are all leaders as we affect and influence others and the world, positively and/or negatively. For each of us, dipping our toes into a closer connection with self, surfaces new perspectives and ignites life changing revelations and personal growth! This expedition has the potential of triggering both. 

The Sherpa lifestyles can be powerful teachers when we release ourselves from western biases and judgements. Consider for a moment the impact of having no life insurance, no IRA or RRSP, no car or bank account, maybe even being unsure of tomorrow’s meal, and, where living in the present is a way of life (not some goal to be reached)! Further, consider 2 to 3 year old children playing on the edge of a precipice without parental concerns, older ones walking 2 to 3 hours to school and another 2 to 3 back, and where smiles and happiness are the order of the day. You will be stunned at how happy people can be who have so little.

These are just some of the reasons why most participants return with the comment, “This was a life changing experience.”

You will get more than you can possibly expect from this expedition!

Leadership transcends well beyond the corporate world, in fact, permeates every aspect of life. 

The design of this entire adventure/experience is to provide an opportunity to immerse you in a unique world which fosters a discovery of an untapped and glorious dimension of  YOU. . . the Intrinsic YOU!

Where the majesty and magnificence of the outer journey triggers

and inspires the inner journey!

In that world, becoming more alive, more grounded, more connected and more caring is the foundation to a far more influential and powerful way of being.

Although effective leadership is one of the most important aspects in the well-being of individuals, families, businesses and nations, it is also one of the scarcest commodities. The reason: most people have lost access and a deep connection to their own inner world. Unfortunately, this is the result of parental and cultural conditioning and frequent disapproval (real or perceived) at an early age. What is needed is a deep reconnection to our own magnificence, and a secure trusting of our own consciousness . . . i.e., our own self! 

Leadership is learned. No one is born a leader, and at the same time we are all born with the potential to be leaders. Global wellness depends on us; yes, YOU and me, and how we evolve as leaders in our own lives, and the lives of others!

“Leadership and Self-Actualization are two sides of the same perfection!” 

…Werner Berger

  • Leaders seek win/win solutions.

  • They are assertive.

  • They are empathic.

  • They don’t force their ideas nor do they ‘sell’ them; rather, they motivate, inspire and encourage!


(Not a part of this expedition - designed for Business and Corporate Leadership Development)

What is referred to in the above segment is the Intrinsic Development of a leader. It provides the ability to inspire, motivate and support others to capitalize on their own performance enhancement and growth opportunities. Most leadership programs focus on the second part, Extrinsic Learning, which primarily includes communication skills, strategic thinking, problem solving and mindset exploration. Our Extrinsic curriculum is delivered via 12 modules, over a six month period, and when integrated with the Intrinsic, it has the potential to change everything!

To request more information about the comprehensive Leadership Journey, email or call 215-642-0083.